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IMG_0453 2.HEIC

Ready to Worship

Why Ready to Worship?

We believe one of the most important things a church can do is pass down the Christian faith to the next generation. One of the ways we do that is by helping kids see and experience that worship is for them. It is the calling of all believers and can be done at any age. One way we seek to do that is by training our youngest school-aged children in the different parts and purposes of the worship service and how they can participate. 

What is Ready to Worship?

A way that we partner with our parents to help them as they seek to teach and train their children about participating in worship. In it, we work with our children in Kindergarten-2nd grade to teach them the “what’s” and “why’s” of a worship service while also teaching them strategies on how to handle the different challenges that kids face during the service. We want them to see that worship is for them and they have an important part to play. Ready to Worship takes place on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month during the worship service. 

Who is Ready to Worship for? 

It is open to any child who attends worship at FPO who is in Kindergarten, 1st or 2nd grade. That being said, not every child will need to be a part of it each time it is offered. The goal is full-hearted and willing participation in corporate worship, so whenever your child is able to do that, they won’t need Ready to Worship. For some children  just coming a few times will be enough, and for others,  participating for all three years will be best. 

What do parents need to do?

  1. To sign your child up for Ready to Worship, you simply need to go to the area at the back of the Sanctuary before the service on a Ready to Worship day to sign them up. They will be released to leave before the sermon and we ask that you go immediately to the Chapel after the service to pick them up.​

  2. Your children will be learning details about the worship service as well as tips and techniques to help them as they sit in the service. Please ask your children about these and support them by encouraging them as they participate.​

  3. Have a worship bag for your kids. This is a bag filled with activities the child can do independently and quietly. To make it special, we suggest you only allow the child to use the items in their bag on Sunday mornings.  Many items can be collected at home or bought at a dollar store. Feel free to reach out if you need suggestions. It is okay for children this age to do things with their hands while they listen to the service - often they actually retain more this way. 

  4. For this age group we suggest reserving children’s bulletins and worship bags for the sermon only (some may need it during the pastoral prayer). Until that point we suggest you help your child participate with the congregation. 

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