What to Expect
You can find us at 900 2nd Avenue in downtown Opelika.
There is parking available off of 10th street, or off of 2nd or 3rd Avenue.
Our worship takes place in our Sanctuary with the main doors facing our playground. The doors look like this. We will have Greeters to help you at these doors, just look for the name tags.
Our worship service begins at 10:30am and usually lasts around an hour.
Our Equip Hour (Sunday School) is at 9:15am. You can get there through these doors. You can also get more information by clicking HERE
What to Expect in Worship
Attire- You can come comfortable and as you are. Most of our folks dress smart casual (we had to look it up).
Our worship is a blended style with familiar hymns with more contemporary worship songs.
We celebrate Communion on the 1st Sunday of every month.
You can get more information about our worship by clicking HERE
We have activities for children from Birth-5th grade in our Children’s Building which is the building closest to 10th street. See picture here.
We have Sunday School at 9:15 for children 4years old-5th grade. You simply need to check-in at the Children’s building front desk.
We have childcare for children Birth-4 years old during both the Sunday School hour (9:15-10:30) and the worship service (10:30-11:30).
You can get more information about FPO Kids by clicking HERE.
You can find the FPO Kids building by going through these doors.
Children in Worship
We believe that it is important to pass down our faith to the next generation and one way we do that is by having them join us in corporate worship. We believe that kids need to know that “church is for them” so we often have a challenge for them during the sermon to help them engage.
We also believe it is important to teach and train our kids in how to worship so we have offer “Ready to Worship” for children in K-2nd grade during the sermon part of the worship service on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month. To sign your child up, simply go to the back of the Sanctuary before the service starts.
To get more information on Ready to Worship click HERE
Students (6th-12th grade)
We also have Sunday School for students at 9:15am on Sundays in thr Corner. The best way to get there is through the door beside the Fellowship Hall.
Get more information about Student Ministry by clicking HERE
Community Groups
We believe it is very important for church to be a place where you are known, challenged and cared for. The way we do that at FPO is through Community Groups that meet in people’s homes throughout the month.
To get more information on Community Groups click HERE